Will You Catch Me When I Fall?


Will you catch me when I fall?
Or would you turn your back on and stall?
Will you catch me when I fall?
Saving me from sub-astral calamities,
Will you stand by me in all adversities?
Or would you turn your back on and stall?
When the world mocks and stares at my misfortunes,
Will you take my hands and guide me through this malady?
Will you stand by me in all adversities?
Saving me from displease that creeps from within,
Will you embrace and cradle my broken hopes?
Will you take my hands and guide me through this malady?
When I stumble and collapse in the battle called life,
Will you lift me up and help me soar yet again?
Will you embrace and cradle my broken hopes?
Will you be my "knight in shining armour" shadowing all my imprudent vulnerabilities?
Will you catch me when I fall?
Will you lift me up and help me soar yet again?
Will you catch me when I fall?

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

Day 16 word prompt is “CATCH ME WHEN I FALL!”

Suggested Form – Terzanelle.

The Terzanelle is a poetry type which is a combination of the villanelle and the terza-rima forms. It is a 19-line poem consisting of five interlocking triplets/tercets plus a concluding quatrain in which the first and third lines of the first triplet appear as refrains. The middle line of each triplet is repeated, reappearing as the last line of the succeeding triplet with the exception of the center line of the next-to-the-last stanza which appears in the quatrain.

As always any feedback and advise is more than appreciated!


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    1. Thank you so much!🙏

      I was a little sceptical about the rhythm and the rhyme.. But yeah, realizing that not every poem rhymes helps!😀

  1. Whoa! And I thought quadratic equations were complex. Just kidding. Nicely done. “Sub-astral calamities” has an immediate appeal for me at the phraseological level. I like to spy on how a strict poetic form forces and drives content in unforeseen directions and fosters discoveries.

    1. Exactly my thoughts too! And in all honesty, it was a deliberate attempt – to add some mystical rythm to the piece! (Don’t know if I am making and sense!)

      Thank you so much for stopping by!🙏

  2. This poetic theme could apply to a wide set of relationships ( mother /daughter, friend…). Everyone deserves someone to catch them when they fall. Nicely written, Richa. 🙂

  3. I especially love the ending, …

    It’s a little scary to have the answers to those questions when you don’t know what to expect but then again it’s better to be in the clear and know exactly where someone stands in case of such a scenario

    As always beautiful piece 💐

    I will catch you ❤️❤️

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