Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a wonderful day! Welcome to the WEEK 27 of “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” Challenge! Yes, FOE is back! *Happy Thursday*



Every Thursday, I will pick up a “prompt word” to be acted upon by y’all. You are free to go wild with your imagination and interpret the “prompt” in any way that you like – photo, prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, quotes, articles or drawing/painting – whatever works for you!
In short, it’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the prompt and go berserk!

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Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a wonderful day! Welcome to the WEEK 24 of “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION” Challenge! *Happy Thursday*



Every Thursday, I will pick up a “prompt word” to be acted upon by y’all. You are free to go wild with your imagination and interpret the “prompt” in any way that you like – photo, prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, quotes, articles or drawing/painting – whatever works for you!
In short, it’s all about you being the BOSS and choosing the best way possible to express and depict your understanding of the prompt and go berserk!

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Rituals For Renewal

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend! It’s time to kill the “Tuesday Turmoils” with some Real Talk and some self RENEWAL!

Ah life! A constant challenge with numerous twists and turns. From – as minute as the “early morning coffee spill” on your favorite white shirt, to as grave as a “break-up” to as heart-breaking as “when someone dies” – Ah, such is life and the agony that comes along with it! It’s always in a RUSH – competing, conflicting and contending.
There is no doubt that we all want to break free from the “so-called” miseries of life and excel. As a matter of fact, we all ARE constantly seeking perfection and non-stop improvement, hoping for optimum outcomes and premium returns. Always, wishing for this and hoping for that! Missing out on THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of it – which is ME, MYSELF and I!

So, what do we do when we want to break free from the continuous cycle of a “melancholy” life? What do we do when we want to “reawaken” and “rehabilitate” our chutzpah? How do we brace our lives and still emerge “rejuvenated?”

Here’s the essence of “R E N E W A L” spelled out “pictorially” for y’all, hoping to help –

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What Doors Will You Open Today?


Hey Everyone! How you doin’? 

It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and MOTIVATION!

Let me ask you all a question? When opportunities come knocking, are you ready to receive them with a smile? Or are you one of the kinds who makes endless excuses, their validity always a question?

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Project – Self Love!

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!

It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk and SELF-LOVE!
PS – I hope this post still qualifies as “Monday Motivation” – even though it’s 7:00 pm where I’m at and Monday’s almost over! I apologize, things haven’t been that great with me health wise and I haven’t been able to put in my 100% lately. Here’s to hoping that my dark-gloomy clouds of illness and pain dissipate and I am back to being “myself” again! *keep me in your prayers*

Whiling away my “sick” time on social-media got me to yet another “beautiful” quote on SELF-LOVE – And as always, I so wanted to share this piece of advise with y’all. Yes!!!!! I am a s****r for some self lovin’ and for me PROJECT SELF LOVE – is the most essential part of growth and development, both spiritually and mentally!iScriblr_selfLove

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5 Ways To Ditch The Excuses

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend! It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk!

Have you ever tied to explain why you didn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t or just wouldn’t do something? In all honesty, I have! (and a lot many times than once!) Fear of failure, worrying about added responsibilities, perceived lack of self belief and confidence, fear of change – the reasons are abundant and varied, paralyzing us and leaving us stranded in a “no man’s land!” Believe me when I say that all of this negative self talk gets us nowhere. Broken dreams, crippled self-esteem, fragmented hope –  the damage is more than you can account for!

Excuses, people – can be a very dangerous thing; pretty intense – as it holds us back and leaves us stuck in a vicious cycle of deferment and delay.


“Life” is an uphill task, with numerous competitions, challenges, disputes, threats and tests. Yes, it is a constant fight to exist; yes, the roads are tough; yes, it means business and only the fittest survive. But then, guess what? Breaking away from the continuous cycle of blame and excuse is not IMPOSSIBLE! To get the results that you desire, you HAVE to ditch the excuses and here’s how “info-graphically” –


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