9 Ways to Use Time Wisely

iScriblr_timeHey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day! Well, it’s time for some Real Talk. 

Time – Something that we all wish for but hardly seize. Unlike diamonds and jewels, you cannot buy it off a counter, neither can you get the “extra serving” for free, like at your favorite TGIF! It is rather, our most valuable commodity – with no bargain or subscription policies in place.

We all know it as a fact that how limited our lives are, but we still, sadly, don’t know the value of time. We fail to realize the importance of time lost and “spend, kill, or waste” time as no ones business!
How many us have had the feeling of remorse and said “if only I had some more time?” Well, in all honesty, I have been a culprit of “wasting time” and a given opportunity spasmodically and then “repenting” over the time lapsed – not realizing that I did not make the most of it, when I had the shot! Sadly, time gone, is time lost – never to be back again! We can try as much as we want to, but just like a “missed” prospect, time returns for none.


Here are some arresting facts about time management, that are too hard to ignore –
1 Time is a tool. It can be manipulated, shared, divided, and saved. There are foolproof ways to make the most of your time.
2 Time is our most valuable resource. If we learn how to control and use it wisely, we will maximize our output both spiritually and financially.


Time management? Making the most of your time? Utilizing time effectively? Not wasting time? – There are many catechisms and different terms for “organization, planning and structuring” of time and the good news is that we are capable of turning over a new leaf. (Yeah!!!!!)
Here are my top 9 tips on how I squeeze every second of time out of my day –


If your day is already planned out, there’s no time to procrastinate and you’re guaranteed to be more productive than ever.


Tackle top priorities first. They may not be the most pleasant, but they are the most important, so engage in them when you are the most physically rested and mentally alert. Make sure to cater to the bigger, more important assignments and events, before addressing the smaller issues.


Take out at least 15 minutes daily, before sleeping to plan out your next day’s moves. When you know what you have to do, it will be easier to “get at it” the first thing, next morning! No doubts, no postponement!


Create a block schedule to manage your time most efficiently. Be sure to keep track of everything that’s taking up your time : sleep, work, eating, chores, blogging, etc. and work towards optimization.


It is OK to be distracted once a while. (After all, we are just humans!) But rather than being ambushed by distractions, be wise enough to allocate specific time/hour in a day to cater to them. Social media, TV, chatty co-worker – give them their due importance and then return back to your chores just like a pro!


You can be the best planner ever and have every minute of the day packed with essential tasks, but if you don’t have the energy to complete them properly then it’s all for nothing. Prioritize and plan in time segments that you can handle physically. Don’t wear yourself out.


Remember, every time you say “yes” to a request, you are in fact saying “no” to something else. Time is yours to use so don’t let someone else use it up for you. Be wise and make the right call.


Don’t be afraid to let others do things for you. Look at your “to do” list and rather than asking yourself “How do I get this task completed?” ask instead, “How can this task be completed?” It’s a simple change of semantics, but it takes the burden off your shoulders of having to complete every task yourself. Look for help — it’s out there!


Celebrate small victories! Your success should be a pleasure. Appreciating what you’ve acquired and what you’ve done and who you’ve become is important. It’s an important component in fueling your future achievements. Just knowing that you finished all you started out to do that day – that’s pretty encouraging! Undoubtedly, it’s these little daily gains that continue to fuel your achievement.

iScriblr_time Management
A quick info-graphic to cover all the points!

So there you go folks! These are some of the tips to improve our relationship with time, which honestly, have done wonders to my life! Not only do I have some more time for certain distractions – like binge watching my favorite TV series, but also, I successfully am able to complete my daily chores reliably, on schedule! *win-win*
Get up, get going and just do it! All you’ve got is this “ONE LIFE!”

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
Bruce Lee

Here’s wishing you all a “healthy relationship” with time! Cheers!



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    1. I hear ya! Me too have been pretty bad at it in the past, but with these tips, I have managed to draft a plan and change myself! Thanks for stopping by love!❤

  1. Great advice! Yap, it’s confirmed. I know why I didn’t hesitate to follow; you think just like I do, and we’re both part time rebels! 😊 Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone; that just between me and you! 😉

  2. Wow!!! Now these are some really useful tips. I always think of doing something about time management but then my laziness gets in the way and then i go….shoot… I wasted all that time doing nothing. Since its the start of the month, its a good time for me to implement these best practices now. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this Richa. 🙂

    1. I agree, it happens to the best of us! Here’s wishing you a wonderful-productive start to June – Good luck! 🙂

  3. Such a valuable post. I always remind myself that time is a commodity that cannot be bought, traded, or sold. Thanks for sharing these useful tips. xx 🤗😍

  4. I’m terrible when it comes to planning my time, so thank you so much for this, I literally wrote the whole list down.
    Fingers crossed that I am actually able to live by it or even try to

    1. Well, we all have been “there” at some point in life and it happens to the best of us!❤
      Good luck sweetie! Here’s hoping and wishing that you succeed. (PS – you can right click on the image and save it for yourself.) ❤

          1. I understand and hence the concern as to why it isn’t working. Thank you so much for all your support. It really means a lot.

  5. I love that you included to leave room for distractions. Many regimented people hate distractions and things that aren’t scheduled, but I had to learn that “inconveniences” can be divine appointments that don’t have to ruin your day.

    1. I agree 100%. My belief too is that – closing our eyes to the “realities of life” will never gurantee any success!🙋
      Thank you so much!❤️

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