Mends Of Moments


Time heals
Time mends
Mends a broken heart
Mends all shattered dreams
Dreams are wild
Dreams can come true
True commitment serves
True intentions do win
Win we all must
Win we have to
To live is to toil
To survive is to fall
Fall to rise up again
Fall to attain
Attain sense of worth
Attain self respect
Respect is irrefutably earned
Respect is a choice
Choice is exhilarating
Choice is always yours
Yours to dwell
Yours to implement
Implement purpose
Implement fortitude
Fortitude to survive
Fortitude to overcome
Overcome your fears
Overcome all nay sayers
Nay sayers don't matter
Nay sayers will sooner or later bite the dust
Dust your hesitations
Dust all spiritual darkness
Darkness must dwindle
Darkness will never arise
Arise yourself instead
Arise your subliminal vision
Vision to achieve
Vision to seize the day
Day breaks with inspiration
Day begins with positivism
Positivism rules over everything
Positivism reigns supreme
Supreme mindfulness
Supreme allegiance
Allegiance to your true self
Allegiance to the ruling moments
Moments make memories
Moments don't last forever
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9 Ways to Use Time Wisely

iScriblr_timeHey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day! Well, it’s time for some Real Talk. 

Time – Something that we all wish for but hardly seize. Unlike diamonds and jewels, you cannot buy it off a counter, neither can you get the “extra serving” for free, like at your favorite TGIF! It is rather, our most valuable commodity – with no bargain or subscription policies in place.

We all know it as a fact that how limited our lives are, but we still, sadly, don’t know the value of time. We fail to realize the importance of time lost and “spend, kill, or waste” time as no ones business!
How many us have had the feeling of remorse and said “if only I had some more time?” Well, in all honesty, I have been a culprit of “wasting time” and a given opportunity spasmodically and then “repenting” over the time lapsed – not realizing that I did not make the most of it, when I had the shot! Sadly, time gone, is time lost – never to be back again! We can try as much as we want to, but just like a “missed” prospect, time returns for none.

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