Too Busy To Take Care Of Yourself?

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

It’s a crazy life – with numerous twists and turns and constant battles. Ah, responsibilities, obligations, liabilities – different names but equally taxing exposures, taking a toll on our lives and us! *sighs*
With overwhelming duties at work, million chores at home and a jam-packed calendar with overdue tasks – there is little to no time left for us and our life. Well, stressing out on burdens, missing deadlines and traumatizing our metal and emotional health not only leads us to a “self-sabotaging” state but also, little by little deteriorates the idea of “self-being”. All in all making things worse!


When we’re stressed, self CARE is usually the first thing to go out of the window! Well, it’s easy to neglect taking care of ourselves because when we’re busy and overwhelmed, and yes, even a small reprieve feels like a luxury. Skipping meals, cutting out on your social life, adjourning gym sessions – I agree, we don’t think twice before putting self-care on the back burner. *the ugly truth*

Confession time – I used to think it was selfish of me to prioritize my needs over the needs of others! I’d believed that showing love and care for others meant that I had to continuously work my a** towards it and put their needs and demands ahead of my own – be it at work or home. Well, as a result of this “self-destructive” practice of mine, I was constantly drained, fatigued, and exhausted. I forgot who I was. I forget how to be happy. I had given all of myself away and there was nothing left for (in) me!  I was burnt-out, surviving on fumes!
Post experiencing an extreme emotional breakdown and physical weariness – the so-called WAKE UP CALL –  it was time for me to finally SLOW DOWN and take some “time-out” for MYSELF and my hardiness.

Finally, I’d gotten the message – How could I help others when I wasn’t taking care of myself? I comprehended –  My “incapacitated” state helps no one!


Self-care is simply care provided for you, by you! It’s about taking time for yourself to treat yourself as kindly as you would treat others. It’s partly about knowing when your resources are depreciating, and stepping back to replenish them rather than letting them all drain away.

“We are our own best investment. Everyone benefits when we invest in self. We feel better about ourselves and our lives. We have a better experience. People have a better experience with us. Our relationships improve. Self-love is so important.” 
― Akiroq Brost

Here is my personal prescription for Self CARE, segregated between MENTAL and EMOTIONAL health –


1 Give yourself a break. Relax and allow yourself to do nothing. (No cellphones PLEASE!)

2 Meditate! (Breath-in-Breathe out)

3 With a focus on personal growth, take out time to read an educational book.

4 If you are not the reading kinds, you may listen to an educational pod-cast. (PS – News is not included as educational!)

5 Play with your pet. (Another reason to adopt!)

6 Cuddle your significant other. (The power of hug!)

7 Get silly and do something that makes you smile.

8 Create something artistic or play an instrument. Get your creative juices flowing.

9 Listen to music you love and jive away!

10 Practice gratitude with a gratitude journal.

“Spend time loving yourself more. Engage in self-care. Invest time, attention, and care into yourself. No relationship is more important in your life than the relationship you have with yourself.” 
― Akiroq Brost


1 Take a break from social media.

2 Do something that’s scared you that you’ve always wanted to do. Break free from your “Comfort Zone”.

3 Focus on your own needs and goals instead of comparing yourself to others. (Remember – Jealousy is the thief of joy!)

4 Practice compassion for yourself. Realize that you are just human! (Give yourself a break!)

5 Forgive someone you have been holding a grudge against.

6 Indulge in “random act of kindness”. Help someone and don’t expect anything in return.

7 Practice positive affirmations on a daily basis. (Be mindful of your thoughts!)

8 Allow yourself to feel your feelings instead of running from them or distracting yourself.

9 Go outside – get some sunlight on your skin!

10 Write down a few things that you appreciate and love about yourself. (Self praise!)

“Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.” 
― Parker J. PalmerLet Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation

Remember – No matter how over-indulgent the term may sound, self CARE is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. It is indispensable to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem. While a little dose of stress is a healthy way to give us a nudge that we need to meet the deadlines or finish that overdue task, constant stress and anxiety can have an adverse effect on your mental, emotional and physical health. Indulge in a healthy work-life balance and don’t shy away from setting professional boundaries!
Life is a precious gift. So why waste it when we have the choice to have a more meaningful existence? Yes, you have a lot of responsibilities — paying bills, fixing up the dish-washer, doing laundry. But it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is also your responsibility! It really is of the utmost importance not only for your own health, but for the health and well-being of everyone you care about as well.
Start concentrating on “little joys of life” and take into your account your needs and wishes! In fact, make it your “first priority!”

What’s your favorite self-care activity? I am all ears!



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    1. Wow, that’s wonderful to hear – No wonder you look so pretty and calm and poised always!❤️

      Thanks for stopping by love!❤️

  1. My self care practice is a hot cup of coffee, quiet and a good audiobook… *sigh*… I should really turn off my gadgets more. It’s so easy to get caught up in everyone else’s life on social media and forget to take a step back and enjoy mine. Great work on this one… You should never be too busy to take care of yourself.

    1. Glad this post resonated with you! Thanks a bunch for sharing your own self CARE remidies!❤️

      I agree, social-detox is a great way to free yourself from the shackles of social anxiety. I try and do it at least once a week, on a weekend – helps me keep sane! 😉

      1. You’re welcome. Wow… That’s great… I really don’t do it that much but I’m gonna start trying harder… For Sanity’s sake 😁 But again… really great post.

  2. Excellent article once more Richa. I used to be a person who would put others before me, and those others made me feel guilty for it, but it burns you out way too quickly and then literally about three years ago, l said ENOUGH. I detoxed bad friendships, and took a back seat. There are others who would tell you that l took a back seat to people many years ago and to a certain degree they would be right – but that detox and purge was simply society. 2015 marked the time of purging friendships that were too demanding of my time and mental wellbeing.

    Now l don’t get taxed, l don’t become strssed or over-whelmed with other people’s problems. I look out for me first and foremost and my immediate family which is Suze/Scrappy and Scrappy/Suze. I feel better for it.

    Suze well she is still trying to please everyone sadly, but she too is starting to realise that it is all too tiring to continually worry about others and at her own wording is ‘now looking at me time’ so even she too is starting to realise that you cannot, simply cannot keep awarding your time to others.

    She keeps a meditation journal, still helps others but not pressurising herself to do so, rather more of an easier approach, takes time out for her relaxation [albeit that last one is still hard with Suze who feels guilty for it] and the wellness list goes on.

    Suze and l are very different in our approaches, however it is these days about US and OUR health rather than the rest of the worlds 🙂

    1. Thanks Rory for pouring your heart out and for sharing. You strength amazes me!❤️

      I agree with every word that you’ve said – In fact, this seems like my life story, where in I was always “under pressure” to keep not just friends, but everyone around me happy. Eventually, I realized that this might just “kill” me and I started saying “NO” more often!

      I’m sure Suze would come around – We all are different and have different approach towards life and it’s issues! Wish her “Good Luck!” ❤️

  3. I really reeally love this post. ❤️ The ideas are fantastic and I can so relate to most of the things you have written 👌 thanks for sharing this 🤗

  4. Wonderfully put together…

    Yes, we should give attention & take some time out- that’s not being selfish infact it’s treating yorself well as no one else can do it better…

  5. This is a wonderful post with lots of great ideas for self-love.❤️

    Recently I simply up for a month of ballet classes once a week just for fun with a coworker. I’ve been to one class so far and I was glad I did it.😊

    1. Wow, that’s great! No wonder you are so full of life always!❤️

      I really want to do something more creative, other than just writing! Was thinking of enrolling myself in some “Art” classes – Let see how it goes, but before than I will have to learn to drive! Yupz, can’t drive! 😉

      Thanks for reading.. I am so glad this post resonated with you!❤️

      1. You should check out what skillshare has to offer. I’ve been thinking about wanting to do a few classes on their…maybe with watercolor or hand lettering. 😊❤️

    1. Thank you so much sweetie!❤️

      PS – Check you spam folder love – I just did the “3 days 3 quotes” tag for which I was nominated by you! 😉

  6. Really great post! I’ve been doing a lot of these things lately and they really do take practice. It’s so easy to slip back into negative patterns. Thanks for the wonderful encouragement 🙂

  7. I agree and hence, it has to be a step by step process!❤

    “Remember, one step leads to the other and therefore never neglect the first step. It will give you the confidence you need to sail through with victory”
    ― Israelmore Ayivor

    Thank you so much for stopping by, I am glad that this post resonated with you! 🙂

  8. The latest thing I’ve done for myself is buy a bunch of hair products lol. I use deep cleaning shampoo once a week and a hair mask once a week too. My hair feels lighter and looks so much healthier it makes me feel so much better about myself. 🙂

    1. That’s wonderful! Ah, the little joys of life! 😉

      I am glad this post resonated with you! Thanks for stopping by!❤️

  9. I’ve been on the path of forgiveness and words can’t explain the load that it’s taken off of my shoulders. The power of forgiveness… wow.

    I love how you put so much heart and soul into this post Richa. It’s so genuine ❤️

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