Friday Fun Facts!

Hey Everyone! Happy FRIYAY y’all!

Well since it’s FRIYAY and I’ve had enough of cheerlessness in my life, I’d thought I will post something funny and light! (Ha, what’s a life without some amusement, right?) Also, it’s been a while that I have acted my crazy self! 

So, let us all put on our party pants and laugh it out loud! *dabs like a boss*


Today’s post will be about some random fun facts, that are true as steel but amusing beyond question! Well, it may seem like you’re wasting time on-line, but in all reality, you’re actually making yourself smarter and brighter! Here we go –

1 Before the invention of color TV, 75% of people said they dreamed in black and white. Today, only 12% do. Thanks to advanced engineering, our dreams are getting kaleidoscopic.

2 The creature that kills the most people every year isn’t snakes, sharks, or even other humans — it’s the mosquito. When it comes to killing humans, no other animal even comes close. Malaria alone kills more than 600,000 people every year! And another 200 million cases incapacitate people for days at a time.

3 German chocolate cake is named after a guy named Sam German, not the country. In 1852, he invented a style of sweet baking chocolate for the Baker’s chocolate company. The company named it after him, but “German’s Chocolate” didn’t become well-known until 1957. That’s when a Texas homemaker sent her now-legendary cake recipe to a Dallas newspaper and the rest as they say is history.

4 A “buttload” is a real measurement of weight. Interestingly, the word is not only derived from Old English but also Dutch, Italian, and French. Butt actually comes from “botte,” a Medieval French and Italian word for boot. The antiquated terms (like butts and tuns) are likely only used at wineries and distilleries these days,but they’re still fascinating!


5 Modern “thong” underwear was introduced by Fiorello LaGuardia, the mayor of New York City. All he demanded then, was – that nude dancers cover themselves a bit more, and walah, a “provocative” trend came into being!

6 A writer predicted how the Titanic would sink in 1898, 13 years before it was even built. The novella Futility, written in 1898 by U.S. writer Morgan Robertson, shows some eerie similarities to the famed story of the sinking of the Titanic. Wonder how? Clairvoyant?

7 T-shirts were originally marketed to unmarried men who didn’t know how to sew buttons back on collared shirts by themselves. Why is this important to the history of the t-shirt? Because very shortly after the advertisement ran (claiming a much better, durable, with less maintenance “button-less” under-shirts), the US Navy, who employed many a young bachelors with limited sewing skills, officially incorporated the button-less white under-shirt into its uniform. The under-shirt came to the attention of the US Army a few years later during WWI with the under-shirts soon worn by tens of thousands of army soldiers, many of whom took the fashion home with them.

8 Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s. In 1834, an Ohio physician named Dr. John Cook Bennett declared tomatoes to be a universal panacea that could be used to treat diarrhea, violent bilious attacks, and indigestion. Pretty soon, Bennett was publishing recipes for tomato ketchup, which were then concentrated into pill form and sold as a patent medicine across the country!

9 “She sells seashells by the seashore” was written about an actual person named Mary Anning. Well, try the more historically accurate version – Mary Anning “peddles” dinosaur parts on the Jurassic Coast as one of the world’s first, unheralded fossil hunters. So did she sell seashells by the seashore? Indeed she did—invertebrate fossils such as “ammonite” and “belemnite” shells, to be specific. But she did a whole lot more than sell seashells, and it’s a shame that Anning is more famous today for her tongue twister cameo than for her probing discoveries in a fledgling field of science.


10 All mammals take about 12 seconds to poop, regardless of size. Despite the length of rectum ranging from 4 to 40 cm, mammals from cats to elephants defecate within a nearly constant duration of 12 ± 7 seconds (N = 23). Things may change when you are suffering from either diarrhea or constipation.

11 There are trees that can grow more than one kind of fruit, and they’re called fruit salad trees. They are multi-grafted trees with different fruits from the same “family” grafted together on one tree. And the best part – All the fruits retain their own characteristics like flavor, appearance and ripening times!

There you go folks! A light buoyant post for a light-hearted day. Well, a little IQ update does no harm, especially when it’s all about the unknown, unnamed, unexplored data!

Here’s to unraveling some facts! Cheers!



Disclaimer : The facts and information have been collected/collated from BuzzFeed and Google. 

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          1. I’m gonna order one of the apple versions. I’d love to do a citrus one, but not sure it’d work for our area. Thanks. 😃

  1. These were so much fun! The Titanic one was particularly creepy.

    Also: I think maybe I’m coming down with something and need some “medicine”. My preferred drug delivery method is via french fry. What?! It’s for a medical condition!!

          1. It is very pretty thank you. Not as pretty and amazing as those mountains you live near! but beautiful in its own way.
            Have fun. 😄

  2. Wow, ketchup was sold as a medicine??
    Great post – I’m off to Google a few of these now out of curiosity! Like the first one, as it’s fascinating to think people would report dreaming in black & white before colour TVs… x

    1. Haha.. Ikr! Crazy facts for sure!😊
      I have attached the links in the post itself (of the source of the facts) – You might wanna click on them to know more.🙋
      Thanks for stopping by!💕

  3. I think on Number 2nd : Human Being is the only creature who kills most of the people every year…… Probably more than mosquitoes….😁..
    I found Number 10 really interesting…🤔…

  4. Love how the killer mosquito made into the ‘fun’ facts list! Let’s hope it didn’t make more victims by killing them with laughter.
    Amazing post! Half my brain is constantly swimming in random facts, and still you wrote a lot of things I didn’t know before. You should do it more often

    1. Hmm.. It’s a fun fact – coz we as “super humans”, with all our medical science developments, innovations etall, are still unable to curb this menance! It’s sadly satirical.(I hope you know what I mean!!)🙋
      Thank you so much for stopping by. Appreciate it!💕

  5. These are all so interesting! I knew about the mosquitos but I would never have guessed about May Fiorello LaGurdia 😂👍

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