Family Makes It Better!


I am thankful of this life,
I am grateful for you,
This heart of mine dances,
It recognizes and appreciates your true value.

"You" have been my forever constant, 
Picking my faith up when it collapsed,
You selflessly guided me,
Channelizing my energies to the right path.

My accomplishments are few,
But my pain a little too many,
Yet this content heart of mine is happy,
Why not, I have you for company!

This life has been a blessing,
It has been one h*ll of a joy-ride,
Thank you for your lovin',
In you, my constancy I confide.

This post is written in response to OctPoWriMo Challenge – where you’ll write a “POEM” everyday for 31 days, using the prompt word. Follow this link to learn more about it, see other submissions, and to share your own. Come and join in the fun folks!

DAY 17 prompt is – FAMILY.

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” – Richard Bach

What’s your take on the prompt? What’s family to you?

Poetry Form – FREE VERSE.

I’m slowly making my way through the challenge y’all.. Thank you for your constant feedback, support and love!

PS – You may read my previous OCTPOWriMo entries at – 12345678910111213141516, 17, 18, 19, 20, 212223, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Happy reading y’all!


Connect with me on – InstagramTwitter and Facebook to be in the know!

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  1. Beautiful poem. You, a three letter words that says so much. You can be in front of you, above you or even all of you. You are the reason for life.🙏🙏❤️🌹

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