5 Ways To Ditch The Excuses

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend! It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk!

Have you ever tied to explain why you didn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t or just wouldn’t do something? In all honesty, I have! (and a lot many times than once!) Fear of failure, worrying about added responsibilities, perceived lack of self belief and confidence, fear of change – the reasons are abundant and varied, paralyzing us and leaving us stranded in a “no man’s land!” Believe me when I say that all of this negative self talk gets us nowhere. Broken dreams, crippled self-esteem, fragmented hope –  the damage is more than you can account for!

Excuses, people – can be a very dangerous thing; pretty intense – as it holds us back and leaves us stuck in a vicious cycle of deferment and delay.


“Life” is an uphill task, with numerous competitions, challenges, disputes, threats and tests. Yes, it is a constant fight to exist; yes, the roads are tough; yes, it means business and only the fittest survive. But then, guess what? Breaking away from the continuous cycle of blame and excuse is not IMPOSSIBLE! To get the results that you desire, you HAVE to ditch the excuses and here’s how “info-graphically” –


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5 Inspiring Quotes To Get You Through The Day

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!

It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk and POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS!

Well my people, it is a known fact that our happiness is determined by our attitude and our perspective towards life. Buddha said it best – “What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”
Yes!!!! The key to abiding happiness lies within us – in our words, our thoughts and our point of view – and “positive affirmations” offers an ideal way of choosing to use your words positively, to create “CHANGE” in your life. Plus, with so much “mayhem” around us, who minds a little motivation and positive self talk?

Here are five of my favorite “uplifting” quotes with a “dash” of positive affirmation to help you invite more joy, peace, happiness and love into your life –


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Soar Away


Breaking away from the shackles of judgement,
She etched for herself a luminous future.

Enveloping her righteous heart, she swaddled her faith,
She emerged a winner, a fearless figure.

Believing in her sense of worth,
She breached the confines of failure.

She cracked the doors to self-exuberance,
She broke free, she got herself the "closure".

New year, new beginnings,
She had a brand new "face-off" to look forward to.

With untrodden pathways, unknown boundaries,
She was now endowed, she was anew.

No fear, no antipathy,
Could now annihilate her indomitable spirit.

She was the master of her own fate,
She aimed to soar, her sky could no cynic limit!

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3.2.1 Quote Me! INNER BEAUTY!

Hey Everyone!

Yay, another amazing tag for today! I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you so much Rory, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful campaign! *can’t get enough of the tags*
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is undoubtedly super brilliant!


Beauty comes from within!

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Naked Truth!

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!

It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk and SELF REALIZATION!

While I was callously looking around for something “substantial” to read on FaceBook this weekend (wonder what are the chances of dong that! LOL!), I stumbled across a captivating story about “NAKED TRUTH” by John Van Zeist. Predictably (without a doubt), as soon as I read the story, I had a deep urge inside of me to share it on my blog – for y’all to read. Because YES in all honesty, this story really-really hits home for all of us!

TRIGGER WARNING – This article, or the page that it links to, contains an image that might be unacceptable to some. I apologize, but “blurring” out the image did not feel quite right as I wanted this post to be as true as the original one, without any reformations and fixings.


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7 Ways to Be More Confident

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!

It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk and SELF CONFIDENCE!

Self-confidence means being in-sync with your capabilities, powers and self-worth regardless of the situation that you are in. It means that you acknowledge your strengths and believe in yourself to achieve your purpose and go for the challenges that the life throws at you, gallantly. In short, it means, TRUSTING in your worth!
However, sadly enough – we often find ourselves struggling to identify the “piece of courage” to believe in ourselves!
How many times have we belittled ourselves reasoning and doubting our capabilities? How many times have we constrained all our desires, curbed each need and banned ourselves of happiness and pleasure since we do not think that we deserve it? Dismally, almost at every testing occasion that life throws at us! *bitter truth*


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iScriblr Turns One!

Hey everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful! Happy NOVEMBER 1st!

Guess what folks! iScriblr turns ONE! *woot woot*
Well, in all honesty my Blog Anniversary was on the 12th of October, but since I was super engrossed with the #octPoWriMo-2018 Challenge, it was better for me to be a little patient with the celebrations! *winks while pouring a glass of champagne*


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When “STARS” Fall – Suicide Awareness

Disclaimer – Today’s post is nowhere close to be a “hunky dory” affair! Unlike my usual self, today, I will be talking about hard facts, distressing depression and suicides!

TRIGGER WARNING – This article, or pages it links to, contains images and information about suicide which may be upsetting to some people.


It’s been a while that I have been meaning to write about this. But thanks (no thanks) to my allergies, terrible teeth ailment and being constantly under the effects of antibiotics and painkillers, I somehow wasn’t able to muster the courage and strength to write about such a “sensitive” topic. Well, the “final nail in the coffin” was yesterday’s news, that once again shook the world. “Kate Spade – who created an iconic, accessible handbag line that bridged Main Street and high-end fashion, hanged herself in an apparent suicide Tuesday at her Manhattan apartment.” 
Ah, another sad demise! Another life, lost too soon! Another painful reminder that we never truly know another’s pain or the burden they carry! *shudders in a corner*

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Back Off! You Narcissist!

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

Let’s begin with the basics! For the lucky ones who have not come across such a breed of human life, a narcissist is a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. In other words, “narcissists are people who think the world revolves around them!” (If only!)

“The hated man is the result of his hater’s pride rather than his hater’s conscience.” 
― Criss JamiDiotima, Battery, Electric Personality


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7 Ways To Seize The Day

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

SEIZING THE DAY – a concept heard too often, but unfortunately a little difficult to attain for us mortals! With a life so busy and the responsibilities so great, who has the time to “enclose” the goodness around, right?

Well, it’s no lie that almost all of us have fantasized about a “perfect” day – a day when we have lived satisfactorily, achieved targets and yet, have found time to live, love and laugh. A day, when we’ve made every second count for something meaningful, something positive. A day, when we have given in our all to be our possible best. A day when we have “lived in the moment!”
Yet,  we brazenly “crush” our dreams of experiencing a fulfilled life and “neglect” the desire to be at peace with our heart! *ugly truth*

“Your life isn’t behind you; your memories are behind you. Your life is ALWAYS ahead of you. Today is a new day – seize it!”
― Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience


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