3.2.1 Quote Me! SUCCESS!

Hey Everyone!

Yay, its TUESDAY tag time! I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you so much Rory, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful campaign!
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is undoubtedly super brilliant, spinning out some AWESOME content!


Never lose your spark, no matter what!
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Rituals For Renewal

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend! It’s time to kill the “Tuesday Turmoils” with some Real Talk and some self RENEWAL!

Ah life! A constant challenge with numerous twists and turns. From – as minute as the “early morning coffee spill” on your favorite white shirt, to as grave as a “break-up” to as heart-breaking as “when someone dies” – Ah, such is life and the agony that comes along with it! It’s always in a RUSH – competing, conflicting and contending.
There is no doubt that we all want to break free from the “so-called” miseries of life and excel. As a matter of fact, we all ARE constantly seeking perfection and non-stop improvement, hoping for optimum outcomes and premium returns. Always, wishing for this and hoping for that! Missing out on THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of it – which is ME, MYSELF and I!

So, what do we do when we want to break free from the continuous cycle of a “melancholy” life? What do we do when we want to “reawaken” and “rehabilitate” our chutzpah? How do we brace our lives and still emerge “rejuvenated?”

Here’s the essence of “R E N E W A L” spelled out “pictorially” for y’all, hoping to help –

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3.2.1 Quote Me! HONESTY & TRUST!

Hey Everyone!

Yay, its tag time! I was nominated for this super fun “PASS-IT-ON” game tag called ‘3.2.1 Quote Me!’ by Rory from A Guy Called Bloke and Doodlepip’s Adventures. Thank you so much Rory, it’s a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful campaign!
Guys, go check out his amazing blog and give him a follow. He is undoubtedly super brilliant, spinning out some AWESOME content!


Honesty is still the best policy!
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Project – Self Love!

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!

It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk and SELF-LOVE!
PS – I hope this post still qualifies as “Monday Motivation” – even though it’s 7:00 pm where I’m at and Monday’s almost over! I apologize, things haven’t been that great with me health wise and I haven’t been able to put in my 100% lately. Here’s to hoping that my dark-gloomy clouds of illness and pain dissipate and I am back to being “myself” again! *keep me in your prayers*

Whiling away my “sick” time on social-media got me to yet another “beautiful” quote on SELF-LOVE – And as always, I so wanted to share this piece of advise with y’all. Yes!!!!! I am a s****r for some self lovin’ and for me PROJECT SELF LOVE – is the most essential part of growth and development, both spiritually and mentally!iScriblr_selfLove

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