Peaceful Warrior – Three Line Tales

Photo by  Eugene Lim via Unsplash
It wasn’t easy being a girl in her country,
especially when men decided, regularized and approved 
what women wore and did.

From being disowned by her patriarchal community 
for wearing a revealing "suit" and
for showing off her skin a little too much 
and too often,

To surviving skepticism and 
finally winning a “gold” at the Olympics, 
Sana endured more than just 
some uneven bars and balance beams!
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Soar Away


Breaking away from the shackles of judgement,
She etched for herself a luminous future.

Enveloping her righteous heart, she swaddled her faith,
She emerged a winner, a fearless figure.

Believing in her sense of worth,
She breached the confines of failure.

She cracked the doors to self-exuberance,
She broke free, she got herself the "closure".

New year, new beginnings,
She had a brand new "face-off" to look forward to.

With untrodden pathways, unknown boundaries,
She was now endowed, she was anew.

No fear, no antipathy,
Could now annihilate her indomitable spirit.

She was the master of her own fate,
She aimed to soar, her sky could no cynic limit!

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Dear 15 Year Old Me Tag

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful!

Yay, yet another exciting tag folks! *happy dance*
Thank you so much Ana from Mom Life With Chiari and Jason from Proscenium for tagging me for the super fun Dear 15 Year Old Me Tag! I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you both! Guys, go check out their amazing blogs and give them a follow – as there is nothing about them you can’t love!


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7 Ways to Be More Confident

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend!

It’s time to kill the “Monday Blues” with some Real Talk and SELF CONFIDENCE!

Self-confidence means being in-sync with your capabilities, powers and self-worth regardless of the situation that you are in. It means that you acknowledge your strengths and believe in yourself to achieve your purpose and go for the challenges that the life throws at you, gallantly. In short, it means, TRUSTING in your worth!
However, sadly enough – we often find ourselves struggling to identify the “piece of courage” to believe in ourselves!
How many times have we belittled ourselves reasoning and doubting our capabilities? How many times have we constrained all our desires, curbed each need and banned ourselves of happiness and pleasure since we do not think that we deserve it? Dismally, almost at every testing occasion that life throws at us! *bitter truth*


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True Colors


How often do we find ourselves doing things just because 
we have to and not because we want to? 
And yes, I am not talking about the hard work (desperate measures) 
aimed at achieving success at jobs (work place) 
or the obvious efforts to provide for your family. 
Here, I’m referring to the things we do just to please others 
and to project a certain image of ourselves to the world 
that isn’t even coherent with who we really are! 
How often have we worn a “mask” awaiting approval 
of our family, friends, colleagues or even the neighbor next door? 
How often have we lied to ourselves and forced ourselves into believing 
that we are "no good" and OTHERS are better? 
How often have we lived a "shallow" life, INVISIBLE to the world?

Well, I ask - How can you live your best lives, when “best” is defined by someone else?

Piercing my mettle,

You unsee my true colors,

Insensitive much!

I'm more than what meets the eye,

Why belittle me in vain?
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No Means YES!


They said I couldn't do it,
that I did not have it in me.
Stripping me of my free-will,
denying me any courtesy.

Doubting my every advance,
they thought that I was prodigal.
Underestimating my will-power,
they mistook me for a non-radical.

Rebuffing my desire to excel, 
they laughed at my ambitious aspirations.
Believing in my certain failure,
they mocked at my pristine prominence.

Opposing my every insightful debate,
they belittled my confidence.
Rejecting all my appeals for a better life,
they tried-and-tested my tolerance.

"Rising like a phoenix from the ashes,"
I yet out-lasted and out-wore every impediment.
Contradicting this perfidious-treacherous world,
I survived, I excelled, I am self-sufficient.

No denial, no disapproval, no refutation
can ever bring me down,
Traversing all the high and lows, 
combating life's endeavors and conflicts, proudly I wear my crown!
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Back Off! You Narcissist!

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

Let’s begin with the basics! For the lucky ones who have not come across such a breed of human life, a narcissist is a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. In other words, “narcissists are people who think the world revolves around them!” (If only!)

“The hated man is the result of his hater’s pride rather than his hater’s conscience.” 
― Criss JamiDiotima, Battery, Electric Personality


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7 Ways To Seize The Day

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

SEIZING THE DAY – a concept heard too often, but unfortunately a little difficult to attain for us mortals! With a life so busy and the responsibilities so great, who has the time to “enclose” the goodness around, right?

Well, it’s no lie that almost all of us have fantasized about a “perfect” day – a day when we have lived satisfactorily, achieved targets and yet, have found time to live, love and laugh. A day, when we’ve made every second count for something meaningful, something positive. A day, when we have given in our all to be our possible best. A day when we have “lived in the moment!”
Yet,  we brazenly “crush” our dreams of experiencing a fulfilled life and “neglect” the desire to be at peace with our heart! *ugly truth*

“Your life isn’t behind you; your memories are behind you. Your life is ALWAYS ahead of you. Today is a new day – seize it!”
― Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience


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Power Of Speech


Hey Everyone! How you doin’? Well, I am back! *happy happy dance*

Don’t know if you’d noticed but I was gone from the blogosphere for almost 6 days and it felt like an eternity! *sob sob*
Bad allergies, high temperature, body aches and troubled respiration – Ah, poor me and my feeble immunity. Post a high dose of antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants and a “cheerless” weekend, that just passed by miserably – I am slowly making my way to recovery, hoping to get better soon! *fingers crossed* And, here’s me getting back to do what I love the most – killing the blues with some Real Talk and INSPIRATION!

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3 Days, 3 Quotes Tag (Florence Nightingale)

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day!

I have been named yet again for the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Tag! Yay! *happy dance* Thank you so much Kranti from SparklingThoughts for tagging me. It’s indeed a pleasure!

FYI – Well this time too this tag comes with a twist folks – I am posting all the three quotes in one post for the three days. Sorry about being such a rebel, I am “shamelessly” STILL way behind on my tags! *I need some time management classes*
On a brighter side today’s quotes come from none other than the “ministering angel” Florence Nightingale – a trailblazing figure in nursing!

Whether you’re feeling stuck in your life or just finding you’re stalling instead of killing that to-do list, muster up the courage and motivation to get going. Taking action might seem daunting when you’re at a point to take a big decision. While a bit of planning, preparation and legwork is important, the fact of the matter is that taking the right kind of action will have a great compounding effect to take you through the big decision. Be BRAVE, take that chance! It is tempting to stay where it is familiar, but no one ever got anywhere by staying at one place!

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