My Life As Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Hey Everyone!

Yay, yet another exciting tag! *happy dance*
Thank you so much Jenna from The Sunshine Artist for tagging me for the super fun Fun Friday Flashback Tag! I truly appreciate it and I appreciate you! Guys, go check out her amazing blog and give her a follow. With bounteous optimistic, heartfelt musings on her blog, she is undeniably awesome!


Every Friday Jenna will post a questionnaire, photos, quotes and/or a poem on a specific “topic” taking us back in time. This week’s theme is the “90’s flashback” and today’s travel through time takes us back to capture the memories of our childhood via our FAVORITE MOVIES or TV SHOWS using character quotes and/or TV show episode titles from a single movie or show.

I choose BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER as my flashback avatar – Well, who doesn’t love a bad-a** woman “Vampire Slayer!”


Let’s turn back in time and get the fun started –

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