I Am Me!


Breaking away from the shackles of judgement,
She etched for herself a luminous future.

Enveloping her righteous heart, she swaddled her faith, 
She emerged a winner, a fearless figure.

Believing in her sense of worth,
She breached the confines of failure.

She cracked the doors to self-exuberance,
She broke free, she got herself the "closure".

New year, new beginnings, 
She had a brand new "face-off" to look forward to.

With untrodden pathways, unknown boundaries,
She was now endowed, she was anew.

No fear, no antipathy,
Could now annihilate her indomitable spirit.

She was the master of her own fate,
She aimed to soar, her sky could no cynic limit!
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All The Broken Pieces


They said I couldn't do it,
that I did not have it in me.
Stripping me of my free-will,
denying me any courtesy.

Doubting my every advance,
they thought that I was prodigal.
Underestimating my will-power,
they mistook me for a non-radical.

Rebuffing my desire to excel, 
they laughed at my ambitious aspirations.
Believing in my certain failure,
they mocked at my pristine prominence.

Opposing my every insightful debate,
they belittled my confidence.
Rejecting all my appeals for a better life,
they tried-and-tested my tolerance.

"Rising like a phoenix from the ashes,"
I yet out-lasted and out-wore every impediment.
Contradicting this perfidious-treacherous world,
I survived, I excelled, I am self-sufficient.

No denial, no disapproval, no refutation
can ever bring me down,
Traversing all the high and lows, 
combating life's endeavors and conflicts, proudly I wear my crown!
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A Tasty Tongue Twister


Scrumptious treats tease me into temptation,
Thrilling me, exaggerating expectations.
I cannot but manipulate this ambrosian instigation,
"To eat or not to eat" is a significant tribulation!

Varied flavors, promiscuous zings,
Thirstiness, titillating mid-night cravings.
"Somebody restrain me, this infatuation I can resist no more.."
In retrospect.. "Pass me that butyraceous casserole!"
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