7 Ways To Seize The Day

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are having a great day. It’s time to kill the blues with some Real Talk and SELF CARE!

SEIZING THE DAY – a concept heard too often, but unfortunately a little difficult to attain for us mortals! With a life so busy and the responsibilities so great, who has the time to “enclose” the goodness around, right?

Well, it’s no lie that almost all of us have fantasized about a “perfect” day – a day when we have lived satisfactorily, achieved targets and yet, have found time to live, love and laugh. A day, when we’ve made every second count for something meaningful, something positive. A day, when we have given in our all to be our possible best. A day when we have “lived in the moment!”
Yet,  we brazenly “crush” our dreams of experiencing a fulfilled life and “neglect” the desire to be at peace with our heart! *ugly truth*

“Your life isn’t behind you; your memories are behind you. Your life is ALWAYS ahead of you. Today is a new day – seize it!”
― Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience


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