Myriad Of Blogger Recognition Awards

Hey Everyone! I hope y’all are doing wonderful!

Guess what! Another set of nominations! It’s been raining awards people. Yay! I was tagged (over a period of few months) by some of the most amazing bloggers on WP for the Blogger Recognition Award.*woot woot*

Nisha from INSPIRESN, Smitha from The Karavali Wok, James from James A. Best- Author, Gail from GailLovesGod, Anjali from Positive Side Of The Coin, Jessy from FAB: Faith And Books and Accidental Blogger from Writing My Heart Out – have all been kind enough to think of me and draft me for this prestigious nomination. *happy dance*
Thank you so much for tagging me you all – its been an absolute honor and prestige! *virtual hugs*

Guys, go check out their amazing blogs and give them a follow. With bounteous optimistic and heartfelt musings, wondrous photography and delectable recipes on their blogs, these all are undeniably awesome and unique in their own special ways!


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